While I stayed home with Grandpa G, Mom & Dad vacationed in small town called Punxsutawney PA.
Did you know that a small town in Pennsylvania is called the "weather capital". I didn't know until Mom & Dad came home from Punxsutawney. In Punxsutawney they like a small furry animal called a groundhog, his name is Punxsutawney Phil. Every year in February lots of people gather round to see if the groundhog will see his shadow. I don't like it when the groundhog sees his shadow, that means six more weeks of winter.
Have a look a few of the groundhogs and Mom & Dad saw.........
Look at this shabby hotel they slept at........(Note from Mom: There are not many hotels in Punxautawney, PA it's all we had to choose from)
Congratulations to Helena & Michael who got married!!!
Your Mom and Dad saw funny creatures there!
Kisses and hugs
My mom says she knows someone who actually grew up there. OH and we must always stay in shabby hotels because that place didn't look to bad to us.
Those groundhoggers look cute cute cute!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hey, Joe Stain's Mom used to live kinda near the Weather Capital! That furry Phil is never wrong...
That looks like a fun place to visit! Did those groundhoggers shoot off fireworks?
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